The Reichstag

Going to the Reichstag building was so amazing. This place has seen so much history and gone through so many things to get to where it is today. Right now the Reichstag is being used as unified Germany's parliament building! Something I learned from my professors in the prep class is that the giant glass dome at the top of the building signifies that the government is not hiding anything. The people of Germany are a part of the government and they can look in on it. I love this representation so much. Knowing this makes seeing the dome that much more cool. Inside the dome there are ramps that wrap around the entire inside, leading you to the top. It felt like these ramps were never ending. I think that this could represent how Germany may have had some bad things in the past and they are never going to forget it but they will keep marching up these never ending ramps of becoming better. Another thing I loved abou...